Parent Involvement Policy
At Island Park we welcome and encourage parents, guardians and families to participate in their child’s education. This important and valued partnership helps ensure your child’s success while maintaining open communication and fostering mutual support.
Parent/Guardian/Family involvement may include, but is not limited to the following activities:
- Title 1 Information Nights (program information, Title 1 compact dissemination, formulation and feedback)
- ELD Information Night
- Classroom Curriculum Night
- Classroom volunteer opportunities
- At-home volunteer opportunities
- Parent/Guardian/Family training opportunities (for example: How to Support Your Child’s Reading)
- Parent/Teacher flexible conferences
- Evening Events (International Night, Musical Performances, etc.)
- Committee work (for example: Parent Advisory Committee (PAC) where parents are involved with the development and approval of school policies and improvement plans)
- PTA Involvement
Parent participation in the development of involvement opportunities is welcomed and valued.
Title 1/ELD
Each year, during Title 1 and ELD information nights, we seek suggestions, recommendations and feedback regarding parent involvement, asking how we can improve family/school connections and what is working well.
We also strive to keep stakeholders informed through:
- Updates accompanying regular classroom report cards
- Email and phone conversations
- Newsletters and web-postings
- Classroom communications
Communication and Pertinent Links/References
The following can assist you in receiving timely information:
- Island Park Main Office
- Main Office Phone Number: 206-236-3410
- English Language Learner Development Program
- Teacher: Alysa Sharar , 206-236-3426 (for translation services and opportunities)
- MI Board Policy 2110A - ELL Program