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our vision

All learners honored, included, challenged, and empowered.

our Mission

Island Park exists to nurture life-long skilled and justice-oriented learners by fostering critical thinking, creative problem solving, collaborative work, and civic responsibility.


Collective commitments to guide our behavior
Equity:  We believe that our learners are entitled to receive services and instruction that are culturally responsive, emotionally respectful, and socially responsible.

Inclusion: We believe that all learners are entitled to participate, to the greatest extent possible, in all school activities and have access to all learning opportunities so that their voices, individual skills and personal needs are valued, acknowledged, and addressed.

Learning Mindset: We believe in what is possible. We nurture life-long learning and creativity. We embrace perseverance, improvement, change, and optimism. We acknowledge mistakes as learning opportunities.

Collaboration: We believe that by sharing responsibility for all learners, fostering co-leadership, mentoring, and exchanging ideas, data, and materials, we cultivate skilled learners, powerful instruction, and collective voice.  We encourage students to collaborate and support one another in learning experiences.

Empathy: We believe in creating physical and emotional safe spaces where we can interact with empathy, grace, kindness, and mutual respect. We value courageous conversations while listening with curiosity and purpose.

Justice: We believe in nurturing learners who practice and honor rights and responsibilities. We work toward a just society built on knowledge and compassion.